Friday, January 25, 2008

"A Pair of Pears"
3" by 4"
Oil on Masonite

Up until today, I couldn't understand why artists were always painting pears.

First off, I'm not a big fan of fruit.

Sure, I'll eat apples or raspberries or blackberries if they're cooked into something.

Pears aren't on my 'acceptable fruit' list.

I mean, they smell nice and all, but I just don't care for the taste.

But I kept hearing artists going on and on about pears. How 'human' they are to paint.

Human? A fruit? Gay jokes aside, I just couldn't see it.

Until I went and bought a pair of pears and painted them.

They're like little flirty green Schmoos!

You can put me in the 'I love pears (to paint)' category.

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