Saturday, February 23, 2008

3" by 4"
Oil on Gessobord

You knew it was only a matter of time before I got around to Nessie. . .

I've actually been out on Loch Ness hunting for the beastie.

I did a huge amount of hiking and hitchhiking (which I'd never done before and haven't had to do since) to get out to Loch Ness from Inverness.

A delightful old man in an MG convertable gave me a ride to Urquhart Castle (the ruins in the background of this picture).

He asked me if I knew what the locals though of the famous 'Surgeon Photograph' of the monster.

I said 'no'.

His eyes twinkled and he said: 'ah, lassie, they say the monster was just raisin' his kilt for the photographer.'

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