Sunday, February 17, 2008

"Knight Rider"
3" by 4"
Oil on Gessobord

Tonight NBC ran the new and improved 'Knight Rider'.

I actually kinda liked it.

First off, I was a huge fan of the original.

Let me qualify and quantify that; I was a huge fan of the car, K.I.T.T.

I agreed totally with the lead mechanic, Bonnie, when she'd turn K.I.T.T. and Michael loose for the week and would state that the only thing wrong with the car was the nut behind the wheel.

K.I.T.T.'s now a Ford Mustang and can change color. Nanotechnology. And he's a wiz at surfing the net. I'm OK with all this.

He didn't refer to anything in his past; here's hoping they let him.

And we did see the old Michael Knight at the end. He's the dad of the new Mike. He came in, gave his blessing and took off. Again, very OK with this.

I'll be watching and hoping this continues to be better than the original.

Not sure about Val Kilmer as the new voice of K.I.T.T. though.

I miss William Daniels' metallic purr.

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