Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Bagolitos; Early Evening"
3" by 4"
Oil on Gessobord

"Bagolitos at Twilight"
3" by 4"
Oil on Gessobord

Today's my birthday and to celebrate, I bring you a two-fer.

This is the view out my second story B&B window in Arroyo Seco.

Those little rectangular things in the foreground are what we call 'luminarias' in Texas; paper bags with a little sand and a candle that line driveways and the rooftops of ranch style houses during the Holidays in places where people don't get a lot of snow.

Here in New Mexico, they're called 'farolitos' and the mass produced plastic bag version (usually used where people do get snow) are referred to as 'bagolitos'.

And a luminaria is a bonfire ouside your front door.

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