Saturday, February 9, 2008

"Little Red Apple"
3" by 4"
Oil on Gessobord

I intend to conquer my apples.

I'm pretty satisfied with my yellow/green variety, now I'm after the Red Delicious.

I know I already painted a Red Delicious at the first of the month, but I'm still not satisfied with my dark reds. I think I'm going to have to go in for multiple washes/layers to get the clear, dark colors I'm wanting. I can only pull off so much by painting it Alla Prima (or all at once, to you non painters out there).

I bought three 'lunchbox' sized apples from HEB Central Market. They're little, tiny minature versions of the big apples I'm used to seeing. I guess they're for very little children.

I did the Grannie Smith variety yesterday, today's the Red Delicious, hopefully tomorrow I'll get the Gaia done before hit the road for New Mexico.

Get ready for a change of theme and scene!

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