Sunday, March 9, 2008

"Spike II"
3" by 4"
Oil on Gessobord

Well, it's been a very unhappy 48 hours here without Spike.

My Husband and I put up fliers, notified vets and shelters and pissed off most of our neighbors with our almost constant calling.

I just couldn't settle down to paint.

Finally I said 'what the hell' and decided to paint Spike. The whole time I was praying that my cat would come home.

Call it sympathetic magic. Call it wishful thinking. Call it divine intervention.

My Husband came home from making a midnight order at his shop and told me he thought he'd heard Spike outside. We walked the block calling for her. Nothing.

When we got back to the house (both of us near tears) she galloped up to meet us.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That's such a touching story, and a great painting.