Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dr. Sketchy X-Mas! Part three!

Untitled Unfinished Sketch
Oil on Masonite
9" by 12"

Here's sketch number three and the most unfinished of the four.

I had to start over on several as I had the bad habit of starting too far up the panel. Thankfully, I could wash the oil paint off with some Gamsol as it was mainly Liquin wash at this point, and reuse them.

Man, I love oil paint!

I took fourteen panels with me. I made four sketches I was happy with, two that were total failures and three that got wiped. The two total failures I set aside overnight to reexamine with a clear head the next morning (something I highly reccomend with a painting you're not sure of). They would have been too much trouble to fix, so I tossed them and decided to concentrate on the four ones I liked best.

Next time, I'll be better prepared and do better!

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