Monday, December 17, 2007

Dr. Sketchy X-Mas! Part one!

Oil on Masonite
9" by 12"
Unfinished sketch

Last night David and I went to our first Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art class.

It was a blast! They had this incredibly beautiful burlesque dancer by the name of Cardinal Cyn posing.

I can't tell you how many too thin or too fat models I had to sketch in college. . . Bleh.

Cardinal Cyn was drop dead gorgeous and every pose was better than the one before. On average, each of these poses were held for five to eight minutes, so I had to work fast! It was such a challenge!

Here's the first sketch, and the one I'm most pleased with. I'll post the others all this week.

I hope to sit down and paint finished versions of these sketches soon.

I'm so psyched to do this again! I can't wait for next month's Dr. Sketchy!

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