Thursday, April 3, 2008

"April Snowfall on Taos Mountain"
3" by 4"
Oil on Gessobord

We woke up this morning to snow!

Yeah, yeah, it snows up here. But we were pretty sure we'd missed it by moving in late March.

I was resigned to waiting until next fall to see it snow.

So, this morning, David and I watched the strange mist on the mountain as it roiled around and around and then came towards us and snow swirled through the air around our house for the better part of an hour.

It never made the ground, but it was amazing to watch.

I only wish I'd had my knitting; I could have crossed something else off my life-list (I have this fantasy of sitting before a roaring fire, knitting while watching it snow outside my window-- David and I have been trying to make this happen for years. So far, we've just missed it a dozen times).

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